My writing and goal changing is starting to represent the British weather, 4 season changes in one day sometimes.
Last check in I was pretty much resigned to walk away from Shroud Of Death, another problem I was having I was keeping things too focused on only writing what was relevant to the story and was cutting dialogue too short (I personally hate long passages of dialogue.) So Shroud was seriously miffed that I'd quit on her. After posting my last check in, I unexpectedly added 247 words to Shroud this time just letting the story roll and the dialogue just be without adding so many restrictions.
I'm now trying to treat my 1st draft as a discovery process of finding out who the characters really are and where the story ends up. I'm enjoying Shroud again.
Guess what? Shroud's on hold until Friday now, I did a review of my assignment requirements and I need to write at least 10 poems for my course and rewrite them by the end of February. Also the 1st issue of my poetry newsletter goes out next Sunday so I need to start preparing the content for that.
So new temporary goal is to write at least one poem a day until friday when I'll be off work and should be able to work on Shroud Of Death again.
Word count achieved:
Wednesday: 247
Thursday: 0 but typed up some of my initial planning for TCI
Friday: 300
Saturday: 134
Thanks to my regulars as always for the continued support.
See the rest of the ROW80ers below.
Skinwalker Ranch Fashions
4 hours ago
Good luck with your goals for next week!
I'm glad you figured out how Shroud wants to be written, LOL. Who says we have any say in these things?
Good luck with the poems!
Often I think it takes a period of time, of dialogue with the characters (pardon the pun), to get to know them, much like real people. Restrictions are called restrictions for a reason! Continued success with both your story and your different poetry efforts.
Discovery process! I like that. This is how I feel with the second draft. I was so busy slamming words on paper, I didn't get to know everyone as well as I should.
Here's to a good week. :)
good luck with the poetry
Great that you got back on The Shroud of Death horse. Every time you try to walk away they pull you right back in.
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