Thanks to everyone for commenting on my last check-in. I appreciate the writing community and support from you guys, much of writing is about working blind in a cave sometimes and I'm loathe to leave things hanging.
My new revised goals are to study 5 out of 7 days and work on Shroud one night, giving myself a night off. The current schedule can be read here. I'll be revising it all again on Sunday in preparation for section 3 of my course module. I'm hoping to use Thursday night to start getting some exercise back into my life as well.
I also spent some time today fleshing out the plot for novella 6 (which could be my most hardcore horror one yet) and getting to grips with my antagonists outfit for novella 2.
It's time to start crossing the finish line with everybody.
Expedition Bigfoot "Element of Surprise"
3 days ago
So glad you're sticking with us. :D It is great having support around and I hope we can all keep pushing each other on until the end. There's no way I would be writing regularly without this challenge.
"Hardcore horror"? Yum . . I just wrote 725 words about a particularly aggressive slime mold ingesting a human body. The online research was fun, too. :) Keep chugging away, and I'll see you at the finish line.
Claire - Yeah, writing more regularly than ever too.
CMStewart - Tasty morsel. LOL Sounds like a fun scene to write.
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