My Goal: To complete prep work for 2nd draft of a novel
Even though we are experiencing a rare appearance of something called sunshine in the UK, I managed some productivity.
Wrote another poem and its related commentary which means I'm on track to have my current assignment all finished by Friday. Yay. The end is in sight.
Managed to get some reading done but not as much as I would've liked. I was expecting to be finished with H G Wells by now.
I have a couple of ideas in mind for blog posts but so far I haven't sat down to write them.
Completed filling in my spreadsheet data for Chapter 1 of the novel, which will actually become chapter 2 when I start the actual rewrite.
All in all, slowly chipping away. Visit the other participants below:
Expedition Bigfoot "Element of Surprise"
3 days ago
Good job so far and best of luck with your goal.
For some annoying reason ideas are so easy to come while writing them can be pretty hard. Hope you'll manage to write those blog posts. :)
Sounds like you're on your way to a successful week. Keep chipping diligently away and you'll eventually end up with a masterpiece. :o)
Darkwrite - I ended up with a ton of story ideas while I was working on the 1st draft of this wip, I am itching to get back to them all.
Writer-monkey - Masterpiece - I love that word. Have a great week.
Oh, writer monkey makes it sounds like you're a sculptor--I like that!
Good luck getting the blog posts written out--I'm having trouble with that myself :(
Do you use a spreadsheet you created yourself for the wip layout? I am inordinately curious about other's processes!
Hi Nancy
I created my own spreadsheet. It's time and location focused at the moment rather than dealing with plot and scenes. I may post more detail about it next check in.
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