Friday 22 April 2011

ROW80 - Celebrating The End Of Draft 1

After being hopelessly stuck in the middle section of the story I took a mixture of advice from the row80 folk and ploughed through to the end. Draft 1 of my novella is now complete at 14283 words. My intended length was 30k, oops. All the bare bones of the story are there, now it needs filling in properly.
What happens next? I'll start rewriting Shroud once my current course is complete which I expect will be in the autumn. Rather than drop out of round 2 I'll be using Tuesday nights to continue planning my second novella The Clown Inside (working title) in conjunction with The Nighttime Novelist. I'm aiming for a complete novella of 20k words.
Thanks to everyone at ROW80 for their support.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing your draft. That's always a great feeling. Good luck on revising and your next novella.

Komal Kant said...

Congratulations on completing your novella! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go on the first draft Katy. I know that's a great feeling when you type that final period of a story, even when it's the first draft.

I'm a dialect/accent junkie, so I have a question. Do the English use "draft 1" like the U.S. uses "first draft" i.e. is it similar to how you say "grade one" while we say "first grade" when we talk about school? Just curious.

DarkWyvern said...

Awesome work on finishing the first draft! I wish I was close to doing the same for mine, but it'll be a way off yet. Sounds like you still have plenty of other creative projects to work on so at least you won't get bored lol

CathrynLouis said...

A big accomplishment. Excited to see how you'll view it in autumn. Three works in progress. Way to go!

C.Farrell said...

I could have sworn I commented here already. Anyway, well done on finishing the first draft - mine always end up shorter than I expected too.

Have fun with your new goal!

Anonymous said...

Congrats one finishing the first draft! It's harder to get the bare bones done than it is to add the final touches and spice it up, at least for me. So getting that initial bit done is a huge accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing your draft! I've never been there or done that (one day ...*wistful sigh*) but it definitely sounds like a thing worthy of celebration.

Andrew said...

Great work! The hard part is over. You've got the foundation. Make sure to give yourself a hearty pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! i write short drafts, too.

Vicki Keire said...

Oh, wow! It does me so much good to read about you reaching goal! Congrats, and that first writer-through is always the hardest but it's the most important.