My goal: To continue planning The Clown Inside in conjunction with The Nighttime Novelist on Tuesday nights.
Did I do it? I didn't actually open The Nighttime Novelist but I decided to decide on the story's location, after doing some browsing I still haven't decided on a location. I don't want a city nor a big town, nor a small village (that's penciled in for the next novella). I tried to narrow it down by county but none of them felt right or perhaps I'm leaning towards going to the north of England with this one.
I also did some research into my characters occupation, the routine involved, the lifestyle and have bookmarked a few websites that sounded current and useful for making notes. My research prodding also raised further questions that need to be answered and a few different story paths have been unearthed.
Decisions. Decisions. Meanwhile visit the other challenge participants
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