Wednesday 29 December 2010

New Years Writing Goals 2011

New Years Writing Goals 2011
In the tradition of millions of people the world over making their resolutions, I’m setting my writing goals for 2011:
1) Write every day whether it’s a blog post, the novella I’ve recently begun working on or a new poem
2) Write at least one chapter of the novella a week.
3) I will not miss my poetry course deadlines.
4) Start submitting my poetry to the markets again.
5) Read more poetry.
How will I achieve my goals? 
Taking part in Novpad last November proved that I can write every day, it offered the motivation that this has to be done now and not left until the day after. But motivation when left to my own devices isn’t so easy to come by, I always seem to be battling constant tiredness and a general lack of time so perhaps reminding myself daily why I write will suffice. I certainly don’t want to be a failure anymore.
Wish me luck and feel free to use the comments section to share your own goals. 

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